The Camera and Photos app that comes preinstalled on an iPad can lead to endless opportunities in the classroom. Both can be used as part of another app to create an image or video but on their own, they can be just as powerful. I love using the inbuilt photos editor, Mark Up to add text or drawings onto a photo and the editing software for adjusting light, adding filters and cropping is excellent, especially when it comes to trimming videos. Below, I listed 8 ideas for what you can do with the Camera and Photos app but there are probably hundreds more!
Where can I access it?
Built in to iPads
Tutorials & Lesson Ideas
1. Take a seasonal photo every half term. Use Mark up to label the seasonal changes. 2. Photo Challenge: Take a photo of something red, soft, fluffy, you can write with, you can wear etc. 3. Extreme close up Challenge: Take a photo of objects of people at extreme close ups. 4. Use Mark Up to add faces or pollution on to objects or add speech bubbles to make a campaign poster. E.g. Cleaning up litter project. 5. Film a time-lapse (Animals hatching / Plants growing) 6. Film a science experiment in slow motion to capture a specific detail. 7. Video each other retelling a story. 8. Take a panoramic photo. |
Examples of Work