Chatterpix is a fantastic app to begin the children's journey of learning how to animate. It's always good at the start to explain animation as cartoons and show children pictures of their favourite cartoon TV shows and movies, for example, the latest Disney animation or Paw Patrol. Animation is about bringing a drawing or an object to life through speech or movement. Chatterpix animates a mouth onto any object which moves in sync with the speech that the child records. You can also add fun filters or stickers onto the picture. There are some examples below for how you can use this in a lesson who create some great 30 second animations.
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Tutorials & Lesson Ideas
1. Animate a famous person and speak about who are they and what they've achieved in the first person. "Hi, I'm Neil Armstrong and I was the first man to step onto the moon in 1969."
2. Explain the features of different rocks in the first person. Describe their colour, texture and shape. 3. Animate a character from a book. Take a picture and record what they might be thinking or how they are feeling. 4. Animate a magic, talking object to be part of story. What would it say? Can it grant wishes? 5. Record facts about Climate Change. Animate mouths onto chimney funnels, exhaust pipes, icebergs, polar bears and explain the harm they are causing or how they suffering because of climate change. Do the same for the sun, a windfarm turbine, an electric car and explain how they are helping. (Activity possibly aimed at KS2) |
Video Tutorial