There are many great apps out there that you can use to create a stop-motion animation. The one I have found most reliable and easy to use is iMotion. It has options to snap frames manually or on a timelapse, you can edit and delete frames and it has an inbuilt onion skin, meaning you can see a 'ghost image' of the last frame you snapped and know where everything was. You also adjust the FPS (frames per second) before saving it as a video so you can control the speed of the animation to suit it's content. I've used this app with Year 3 & Year 6 and they've made some wonderful stop-motion animations over the years.
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Tutorials & Lesson Ideas
1. Create a stop motion animation of the plant germination process with a whiteboard and pen. Label features within animation.
2. Create a stop motion animation of the plant seed dispersal or replace pen for playdough. 3. Animate the process of a frog forming from a tadpole or a caterpillar morphing into a butterfly using playdough. 4. Create a Remembrance World War II Stop Motion animation – (battle scene). Edit animation with iMovie and add narration or music. 5. Animate a short story using lego mini-figs. |
Video tutorial