Action Movie FX and FX Guru are two great apps where you can add special effects to a video. This could be a great idea for when children are learning how to edit videos with effects, however be aware that FX Guru has a 12 rating as some paid videos contain horror/gore. A more popular way of using the app is for the teacher to use it as a hook for a topic or writing lesson. A few effects are free, however a lot of the effects within these two apps are not, however, the odd one that might be perfect for your project might be worth the 99p that you pay for it. Check out some of the examples below for how they could be used.
Where can I access it?
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/action-movie-fx/id489321253 (Rated 9)
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fxguru-movie-fx-director/id553674737 (Rated 12)
App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fxguru-movie-fx-director/id553674737 (Rated 12)