Here are my recommendations for apps, websites and software for teaching core skills and objectives.
Click on the icon to find out more, view tutorial videos and lesson ideas.
Typing and Mouse Skills
Early Years
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
- Children can find particular keys on a keyboard such as letters and numbers.
- Children can use a mouse, finger etc. to select and move items on the screen, assembling or matching objects.
- Children can use some software to create / assemble digital content for clear purpose.
Key Stage 1
- Children can begin to type with two hands.
- Children can identify keys such as Caps Lock, Enter, Space Bar and Backspace.
- Children can alter font type, size and colour for effect.
- Children can make straight-forward edits of their digital work using simple editing tools, to both correct or improve it.
- Children can use some software to create / assemble digital content for clear purpose
Key Stage 2
- Can use shift key to insert characters
- Can use some software to create / assemble digital content for clear purpose.
- Can make straight-forward edits of their digital work using simple editing tools, to both correct and improve it.
- Children can combine graphics and text
- Children can insert, format and manipulate a table
- Children can use spelling and grammar check
- Children can use the find and replace tools
- Children can insert headers, footers and page numbers
- Children can change the layout of a word document
- Children can insert bullet/number points.
Presentation Skills
Key Stage 1 / Lower Key Stage 2
Upper Key Stage 2
- Children can use software to create and combine content for meaningful purpose(s).
- Children can also edit and amend their digital work using simple editing tools, to both correct and improve it.
- Children can print, save and retrieve work
Upper Key Stage 2
- Children can add and rearrange slides
- Children can change a theme/layout
- Children can add and format a text box
- Children can add Background colours
- Children can insert pictures, sound file, video, hyperlinks and slide transitions for effect.
- Children can add animations and change animation order and timings for effect.
Data Skills
Key Stage 1
Lower Key Stage 2
Upper Key Stage 2
- Children can create & store data and then find answers to straight-forward questions.
- Children can know that images give information e.g. say what a pictogram is showing them.
- Children can put data into a program.
- Children can sort objects and pictures into lists or simple tables.
- Children can create and search a simple Y/N tree diagram / branching database.
- Children can save and retrieve work.
Lower Key Stage 2
- Children can create & store some data, (simple data file), and then find answers to straight-forward questions.
- Children can choose information to put into a data table and recognise which information is suitable for their topic.
- Children can design a questionnaire to collect information.
- Children can sort and organise information to use in other ways.
- Children can create and search a branching database.
- Children can create a database from information I have selected.
- Children can (collect), analyse and draw conclusions from data, (such as through data logging or a survey)
- Children can print, save and retrieve work
Upper Key Stage 2
- Children can enter labels and numbers into a spreadsheet
- Children can insert and format a table
- Children can understand the terms field, record, file, sort, classify and order
- Children can use a spreadsheet to make various types of charts and graphs.
- Children can use a database to sort and classify information and present their findings
- Children can (collect), analyse, evaluate and draw conclusions from data, such as through survey, database or spreadsheet, etc.
- Children can create data collection forms and enter data accurately from these.
- Children can know how to check for and spot inaccurate data.
- Children can enter formulae into a spreadsheet and know which formulas to use when I want to change my spreadsheet model.
- Children can sort and filter information.
- Children can use SUM to calculate the total set of numbers in range of cells
- Children can change data in a spreadsheet to answer ‘what if…?’ questions and check predictions.
- Children can understand that changing the numerical data effects a calculation.
Internet & Computer Systems
Early Years
Key Stage 1
Lower Key Stage 2
Upper Key Stage 2
- Children know the different parts of a computer.
Key Stage 1
- Children can talk about websites they have been on.
- Children can explore a website by clicking on the arrows, menus and hyperlinks.
- Children can recognise and talk about some common uses of IT in the world around them.
Lower Key Stage 2
- Children can understand what a network is and how computers are linked together. (e.g. in school, how to PC’s/iPads connect to internet or open files on any device)
- Children can type in a URL to find a website.
- Children can add websites to a favourites list.
- Children can use a search engine to find a range of media, e.g. images, texts
- Children can think of search terms to use linked with questions they wish to answer.
- Children can talk about the reliability of information on the Internet, e.g. the difference between fact and opinion.
- Children can navigate their way within range of (selected) online content, to find specific information.
- Children can include some information / content from an online resource within a 'presentation'.
Upper Key Stage 2
- Children can find specific and valid information using sensible key words / search terms, from (selected) online web content, as fits the task.
- Children can use advance search functions in Google (quotations).
- Children can understand websites such as Wikipedia are made by users (link to Online Safety).
- Children can use strategies to check the reliability of information (cross check with another source such as books)
- Children can use their knowledge of domain names to aid their judgement of the validity of websites.
- Children can log into an e-mail account
- Children can send, receive and reply to an e-mail
- Children can use an address book to store and select e-mail addresses
- Children can send an attachment via e-mail.
- Children can download and save files from an email.
- Children can e-mail more than one person and reply to all.